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General index of the Mikal encyclopedia

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Mikal's Encyclopedia




This multilingual index is a brief introduction to eight volumes of the encyclopedia and is presented in five complementary sections as follows:

  1. Summary of the eight volumes (3Fr, 4Fr, 5Fr, 7Fr, 9Fr, 12Es, 13En and 14En) in seven languages: French, English, Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese
  2. Table of contents of these eight volumes in the original languages
  3. Rhumart alpha index of testimonials, in alphabetical order of key words, conditions, or health problems, selected from forty-five videocassettes of testimonials
  4. Chronological Rhumart index for each of these forty-five videocassettes (Ri-T1 to Ri-T39, and Ri-ET1 to Ri-ETS1)
  5. Rhumart video library: titles of 94 videocassettes comprising user testimonials, basic courses, and several lectures on the RHUMART® phenomenon
  6. Content of Volume 22En in seven languages